Application Submittal Timing

Application Submittal Date Calculator

Enter the date of the anticipated event to see when the application submittal is due.


Applications must be submitted to the Planning & Community Preservation Department no less than 45 days nor more than twelve months prior to the date(s) of the proposed temporary use.  Applicants are encouraged to submit applications at least two months prior to any date(s) of the proposed temporary use. 

Each application submittal must include the following:

  • A completed temporary use permit application form
  • Certificate(s) of Insurance
  • Site plan diagram of the event's location on property
  • Noticing materials (note: only items 1-3 in the the linked document need to be prepared)
  • Payment of fees. Please refer to the current fee schedule. Applicable fees include application fee, depending on what type of temporary use will be permitted, and noticing fee.