On May 14, 2022, at approximately 10:00 A.M., Sierra Madre Police Officers responded to the 300 block of E. Algeria Avenue, regarding a call of two males knocking on the door of a residence and inquiring if the home was an "Air BnB." The caller gave a description of the pair as male blacks driving a black Mercedes with no license plate. The resident felt the activity was suspicious and officers responded to the area but were unable to immediately locate the vehicle or suspects.
At approximately 10:30 A.M., officers responded to a separate call in the 200 block of Old Ranch Road regarding suspects attempting to enter a residence through a bathroom window. The second caller was unable to describe the suspect(s), but one of her neighbors reported seeing a black Mercedes speeding away from the location.
Shortly thereafter officers located an unoccupied Mercedes, fitting the description provided by the first caller, parked in front of a residence in the 400 block of N. Baldwin Avenue. Almost immediately, a resident in the 00 block of W. Mira Monte Avenue reported seeing two unknown male blacks in their backyard. Officers responded to the location where they observed the suspects and a foot pursuit ensued. A short time later, one of the suspects was found hiding in the yard of a nearby residence and taken into custody. Unfortunately, the second suspect was able to evade arrest.
Officers from the Arcadia, Pasadena, and Monrovia Police Departments assisted with the containment and search. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.
Anyone with information on the incident can contact Detectives at (626)355-1414, or leave information anonymously on the Crime Stoppers website at