The City began construction for the Sierra Madre Photovoltaic Solar Array Project in January 2022 and is expected to complete the project at the end of March 2022. The Project, located at 611 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, will construct a 554.58 kilowatt (kW) solar ground-mounted system and a 111 kW battery energy storage system (BESS). The ground-mount system of solar panels will be located on approximately two acres near the groundwater replenishment basins, City Yard, and water production facilities.
The fixed-tilt photovoltaic (PV) solar array with anti-reflective technology will absorb and convert sunlight directly into electricity. The project is estimated to offset 948,332 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy from the Water Department’s production facility. The savings account for approximately 38% of the energy use in the production and distribution of the City’s water supply. In addition, the Solar Project will eliminate 693 tons of CO2 emissions and save 1,457 barrels of oil per year.
Mayor Gene Goss said, “We on the City Council are proud that, once again, the City of Sierra Madre is on the cutting edge in delivery of municipal services.” These panels will consume no fossil fuels and produce no air emissions. In addition, the PV solar array will have a relatively low profile. Standing at approximately 15 to 20 feet in height, the ground-mount system will have little to no impact in modifying the scenic view of the San Gabriel Mountains. There is no tree removal planned; however, the trees along the western border of the project have been trimmed to allow maximum sunlight exposure. Construction activities at the Solar Facility site are scheduled from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Mondays through Fridays until the end of March.
More information about the Sierra Madre Photovoltaic Solar Array Project can be found on the City website at
cityofsierramadre.com/business/city_projects/solar. Any additional questions or concerns can be directed to Public Works Director Chris Cimino at (626) 355-7135 or via email at
[email protected]